Re: less sex, more brains!

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Sun Jul 21 2002 - 20:35:08 MDT

From: "Osher Doctorow" <>

> I think that we see an example from the exchange below of how sex and
> violence often go together, very much unlike knowledge and violence.

I didn't see any violence in the John Grigg/Damien Broderick exchange.
Maybe I'm jaded myself, but I thought there was a playful element going

In any case, I don't think there is much in the way of corroboration for the
sex-and-violence duo. In fact, violence often reigns in many sexually
repressed societies. And in some movies from our past (U.S.) - have you
ever noticed how violence is often substituted FOR sex (e.g., the Friday the
13th series). On a related note, the Meese Commission Report (1983)
couldn't find (they tried, they tried...) any causal link between sexually
explicit materials and violence.

Maybe I missed some of the threads on this subject, but I've not noticed
anyone bringing up autoerotica or cyber-sex (albeit in a future scenario) or
other resourful ways to have sex-without-commitment (ha!). Taking the
emotional aspects of sex out is one thing, but throwing out sex altogether


> From: "John Grigg" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 10:57 PM
> Subject: Re: less sex, more brains!
> > I wrote:
> > >I would like it where people have the OPTION of delaying or
> > stopping/diminishing their sexual desires.
> >
> > Damien wrote:
> > When I was a young nerd, I would have liked it where nerdish people had
> the
> > OPTION of NOT delaying or stopping/diminishing their sexual desires.
> > Eventually it turned out that way. O frabjous day! Calloo callay!
> > (end)
> >
> > What made the difference?
> >
> > I wrote:
> > >Instead of being simply "anti-sex", I think people should be more
> > "anti-promiscuity".
> >
> > Damien replied:
> > >I think people should mind their own fucking business.
> >
> > I meant this in the sense that a person takes a personal inventory of
> themself, and not to be taken as a blank check to judge others in a
> self-righteous way.
> >
> > What other people choose to do sexually does at times affect us(and
> society at large). We can do whatever we want to an extent, but not
> evade the consequences of our actions, sexual and otherwise.
> >
> > >(*Pace*, John.)
> >
> > I see.
> >
> > sincerely,
> >
> > John
> >
> >
> >
> >
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