Storm Watch

From: Forrest Bishop (
Date: Sat Jul 20 2002 - 12:06:54 MDT

A number of outlier observers have been making much the same deductions. Mr. Puplava's style is particularly readable; almost
poetic. His previous essays are also available online, and well worth the read.
Storm Watch Update from Jim Puplava
July 19, 2002
"...What happens when the final asset bubble in housing collapses? What's next -- a major war? The bubble in housing will come to an
end. When it does, the full impact of the debt and spending binge of the 90's, which continues to this day, will hit the economy and
the financial markets with full force. The effects will be devastating on households, businesses, and the financial markets, as well
as for the country. It is only then we will have learned that there is no such thing as the alchemist's stone. The endgame is
drawing to conclusion for central bankers. They thought it could be postponed. But fiat-based money systems have historically ended
tragically. The end will be brought about by a financial storm. It is now my greatest fear that we are getting closer to my storm
scenario -- a storm front in the credit markets, clashing with storm fronts in the stock market, combining with a storm front in the
economy to form The Perfect Financial Storm..."

One quite possible outcome would be the worldwide extermination of central banking- the engine of global, total war.


Forrest Bishop
Chairman, Institute of Atomic-Scale Engineering

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