SPACE: Become a rock star -- get a ride to space

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Wed Jul 17 2002 - 17:26:33 MDT

I'm surprised someone hasn't posted this:

"Bass on verge of finalizing space trip deal"

When I first saw it, I thought "Oh, one of those
Texas Bass millionaires -- well that makes sense"
but noooo, its Lance Bass the NSync star and
its an "advertising" ticket that is probably
going to pay for it.

I wonder what this will do to popularize the idea
of space travel among the Y-geners?

I also wonder if I can find enough creative ways
to drink enough Coca-Cola in a week in space
to sell this to their advertising department.
The $20M would be a drop in the bucket to them.

Oh, and as another couple of pieces of trivia for
disussion -- Where did the term X-generation come
from? and What are we going to call the post
Z-geners? The S-gen?


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