Re: Citizen Spies

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Wed Jul 17 2002 - 00:44:14 MDT

I have no argument against the point that in many ways America
has departed from what can rationally be conceived of as a free
country. However, that does not mean that we should not rise up
to protest and fight these and yet more utter abrogations of

- samantha

Phil Osborn wrote:
> A free country? What's that, Samantha?
> 1. A country in which stealing a slice of pizza gets
> you LIFE?
> 2. A country which has both the highest percentage and
> largest number of people incarcerated in the entire
> world?
> 3. A country in which a cop or anyone else, for that
> matter, can plant drugs on you, or simply testify
> later that he found them and put you away.
> 4. A country in which tens of thousands of the men who
> were put away for doing nothing at all wrong - except
> by the definition that the law defines what is right
> and wrong (ask any Holocaust survivor about that one)
> are raped in prison by the guards pet psychopaths (if
> not by the guards themselves) and given an AIDS death
> sentence - and the common reaction is "Oh well, if
> they hadn't gotten themselves in trouble, they
> wouldn't be in that position."
> 5. A country in which your house, car, business, or
> any other property can simply be siezed "on suspicion"
> and the courts say that civil rights don't apply, as
> it is "the property that has commited a crime."
> I could go on, but you know that, I think.
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