Re: Citizen Spies

From: Phil Osborn (
Date: Tue Jul 16 2002 - 19:41:59 MDT

A free country? What's that, Samantha?

1. A country in which stealing a slice of pizza gets
you LIFE?

2. A country which has both the highest percentage and
largest number of people incarcerated in the entire

3. A country in which a cop or anyone else, for that
matter, can plant drugs on you, or simply testify
later that he found them and put you away.

4. A country in which tens of thousands of the men who
were put away for doing nothing at all wrong - except
by the definition that the law defines what is right
and wrong (ask any Holocaust survivor about that one)
are raped in prison by the guards pet psychopaths (if
not by the guards themselves) and given an AIDS death
sentence - and the common reaction is "Oh well, if
they hadn't gotten themselves in trouble, they
wouldn't be in that position."

5. A country in which your house, car, business, or
any other property can simply be siezed "on suspicion"
and the courts say that civil rights don't apply, as
it is "the property that has commited a crime."

I could go on, but you know that, I think.

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