RE: As war with Iraq seems to be more on the agenda...

From: Jeff Davis (
Date: Mon Jul 15 2002 - 14:26:06 MDT


--- Lee Corbin <> wrote:

Your claim is that most intelligent observers
outside the U.S. would take this for granted? Does a
majority of such observers believe that Fort Benning
is a university of terrorism? That's awfully strong.
But it's plain wrong without a clear and agreed-upon
meaning for the term "terrorism"; I would expect
critics of U.S. influence in Latin America to
constrain themselves to phrases such as "right wing
dictatorships received much help and training
in America in their policies of repression and
political control". By the same token, I would not
call it accurate to describe Fidel Castro as a
terrorist. Would you?

Even for me, not usually a critic of much U.S.
foreign policy, it's a tough call because the choices
in Latin America thirty years ago often came down to a
brutal, repressive right-wing pro-American regime, or
a brutal, repressive and totalitarian left-wing
pro-Soviet regime. In such cases, the Americans would
make their predictable choices, and the Soviets
So characterizing the American implementation of
their choice as "terrorism" is a bit much."
              <end quote>

Make of it what you will.

Best, Jeff Davis

      "We don't see things as they are,
             we see them as we are."
                        Anais Nin

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