Re: SPACE: Going to the moon (was: news spin on cryonics)

Date: Sun Jul 14 2002 - 09:25:42 MDT

Wingcat noted:
<<But that's all saber rattling. There is a thin, but distinct, line between
saber rattling and actual war...and the fact that they put so much
emphasis on trade makes people suspect that the Chinese government knows
that crossing that line for real is not actually in its best interest.>>

Let's hope you are correct. On the other hand, some pundits have compared the
PRC to 1866 Bismarck's Germany. We are both supposing that we really know the
intentions of Chinese leaders. We shall see.

<<The irony is, relative to the amounts of money most large nations have,
you don't need to spend tons of money - some, yes, but even one or two
hundred million US dollars is a drop in the bucket here. In fact,
spending tons of money can be counter-productive, since it lures in
people who make sure the project doesn't get done so they can keep
soaking up the money, and keep soaking it up and interfering until those
who do want to get the project done give up in frustration. (Which
could be part of why the private efforts might work: no one takes them
that seriously until after they've gotten results, and by then it's
often too late for money spongers to stop the project.) >>

I wonder if there are recent examples that could be cited, regarding
Commercial, better, cheaper, faster?

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