Re: fleeing nano, bio, nuke hazards

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 22:00:44 MDT

spike66 wrote:
> Samantha Atkins wrote:
>>> (The Palestinians
>>> and Israelis are trying to start the next world many here
>>> have chosen one side or the other. Dont give in to that.)
>> Israel has acted in ways that we and the UN would jump all over if
>> it was any other country (other than ourselves). But that conflict is
>> incapable of starting a world war. At least it is highly unlikely.
> You have more confidence than I do regarding world peace.

Well, how exactly do you believe that particular conflict can
lead to world war, since you did suggest it?

>> Best of all, in my humble opinion, is to master enough of the messy
>> human stuff
> It looks a lot easier to me to set up a long term space colony than to
> get all of humanity to live in peace long term.

What long term? Well within this century we will hit
Singularity or at minimum so redefine so much of the human
condition that todays conflicts become relatively moot. Surely
it isn't so terribly improbably to keep the world from totally
blowing up in that small amount of time. Besides, from where we
are now it would take at least a decade or two to get into the
asteroid belt in a serious way much less get to another solar
system with any better chance of survival.

>> to greatly lower the odds of massive terrorism or uncontained regional
>> blow-ups in the first place and to raise the odds of a lot of people
>> on your side who act as buffers, detectors and exact swift avengers if
>> such an act is committed. I don't think running away is the answer
>> here. - samantha
> Of course I see it more as "getting started" than running away.
> This galaxy is evidently empty of advanced life, so it is ours, but
> we need to go get it. Lets go get it. spike

I don't see how we can do that without keeping it together in
local space for some years yet. Please enlighten me if you see
a way.

- samantha

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