Re: Mandatory labeling

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 10:09:41 MDT

John K Clark wrote:

>"Harvey Newstrom" <> Wrote:
> >I don't want to label it as "Frankenstein" technology.
>Yes you do, the anti science people have been very effective in equating
>genetic engineering with evil. It's silly to deny that there is a real ...
They didn't do it on their own. They had a lot of help from Monsanto,
among others. While the aims of the technology were being sold as
improvement of the gene-pool everyone was for it. When the aims shifted
to improving the corporate bottom line, everyone became skeptical. When
things like the "terminator" gene technology were introduced, everyone
became *quite* skeptical. Numerous prior supporters started asking
themselves what was going on. Some people started worrying about
preservation of gene stocks that wouldn't be wiped out just because
Monsanto didn't want to sell someting anymore, etc. In that environment
it became easy for those who were more agitated to push for unreasonable
restrictions. But I'm not sure that even reasonable restrictions have
been achieved. Accurate labelling seems the bare minimum that could be
asked for.

-- Charles Hixson
Gnu software that is free,
The best is yet to be.

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