Re: Mandatory labeling

From: John K Clark (
Date: Tue Jul 09 2002 - 09:09:20 MDT

"Harvey Newstrom" <> Wrote:

>I don't want to label it as "Frankenstein" technology.

Yes you do, the anti science people have been very effective in equating
genetic engineering with evil. It's silly to deny that there is a real and
powerful force in the world called marketing, how long do you think a
sausage company could avoid bankruptcy if it were forced to put in big
red letters on the label "HOG INTESTINES STUFFED WITH HEARTS

> I want to label it as "golden rice" so people can tell the
>difference from regular rice.

Now you're the one changing the subject, I have not the slightest objection
to putting "golden rice" on the label, assuming it's even needed as one look
will tell you what it is; I object to forcing people to put "A PRODUCT OF
GENETIC ENGINEERING" on the label when there is no health befit
from doing so and lots of health benefits from not doing so.

>Why would anybody want to force people to buy opaque
>bags or boxes of rice

Force? So companies are putting guns to the heads of consumers forcing
them to buy the stuff in the opaque bags are they.

>I am appalled that so-called free market people are
>willing to throw away freedoms and competition
>when it comes to their pet products.

And I think you are being cavalier in dismissing saving millions of people
from death and blindness with a wave of your hand and calling it just a
"pet product".

      John K Clark

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