Re: 'dippy hippy left-wingers' (Re: NEWS: Europe tightens GM labelling rules)

Date: Sun Jul 07 2002 - 14:49:25 MDT

- samantha stated:

<<The notion that our "niceness and openess" was the cause of 9/11
is at best extremely questionable. Most of the Arab world sees
bin Laden and gang as murderous, despicable scum pretending
concern to further their own agenda..>>

No way, most opinion polls view any "Jihadddi" like Osama as a real hero.

<<But most Arabs in the Middle East, regardless of how conservative, liberal,
religious, or secular can tell you that the things they are troubled and
angered by concerning America are certainly not us being nice guys..>>

They hate and resent American wealth, apparently. They hate support of
Israel, but wish Israel destroyed and its non-Islamic population massacred.
Whatever is wrong with their lives and nations, they blame on the USA.
Saudi-funded madrasses encourage this.

<<It was not our openness but frank incompetence or worse that let
this happen. But we are too busy beating our chests and
declaiming our "patriotism" to even call for and carry out a
full investigation of exactly what happened. Those who push
for it are crucified.>>

It was indeed, and still is incompetence that inhabits the brain-pans of
those at work in spy agencies and such. Now did W arrange to let terrorists
strike WTC and the Pentagon so as to forment war against Iraq, and thus
obtain their oil? Unlikely, because the hallmark of such a 'wag the dog'
would be served by a massive, and QUICK attack on Saddam. This should've been
an October 2001 surprise and emphatically not an Oct 2002 surprise. We now
have had too much time to think and had time for "buyers regret". I vote for
studpidity and incompetence (predateing the W administration) as the villian.

<<So instead we go through our various labels, postures and so on
and distract ourselves. Too many things are not looked into for
me to believe we understand what happened, why and how much less
to believe that we are on the road to avoiding such incidents in
the future.

- samantha>>
We challange the Jihaddi notion that the earth is to be ruled by Islamic Law,
called sharia. We challenge the notion that Allah has ordained the Jihaddis
as the center of the universe. This is not what I believe, but it is what the
Jihaddis believe. One scholar believes that have a fair chance of toppling
the USA too!

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