Re: 'dippy hippy left-wingers' (Re: NEWS: Europe tightens GM labelling rules)

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Jul 07 2002 - 12:10:52 MDT wrote:

> Yes the hippy-dippy (thank you George Carlin) thing was throughly,
> enjoyable, Dr. Graps. However, and there is always a however, not
> everyone can ride that ride again. For some of us, troubled by the
> attack on the USA on 9-11, being dippy-hippy nice-guy invites aggression
> from people who have no sympathy in that direction. Who see "openess"
> and easy-going, "niceness" as an invitation to victimize.

The notion that our "niceness and openess" was the cause of 9/11
is at best extremely questionable. Most of the Arab world sees
bin Laden and gang as murderous, despicable scum pretending
concern to further their own agenda. But most Arabs in the
Middle East, regardless of how conservative, liberal, religious,
or secular can tell you that the things they are troubled and
angered by concerning America are certainly not us being nice guys!

As far as 9/11 goes, we really bungled our own intelligence
badly. So badly that conspiracy theorists have a field day. It
was not our openness but frank incompetence or worse that let
this happen. But we are too busy beating our chests and
declaiming our "patriotism" to even call for and carry out a
full investigation of exactly what happened. Those who push
for it are crucified.

So instead we go through our various labels, postures and so on
and distract ourselves. Too many things are not looked into for
me to believe we understand what happened, why and how much less
to believe that we are on the road to avoiding such incidents in
the future.

- samantha

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