Re: --> libertarian institutions, no political box

From: Randall Randall (
Date: Sat Jul 06 2002 - 12:52:05 MDT

Martin Moore wrote:

> You would be hard-pressed to find a libertarian who
> doesn't support (albeit begrudgingly) a basic role for
> government. To say that libertarians would like to see
> "no bureaucrats, no taxes, no police, and no army" is
> ludicrous.
> A good start would be the "Issues" webpage of the U.S.
> Libertarian Party's (with a capital L) homepage:

Yes, if you start there, you might indeed get the impression
that most people with libertarian views are supporters of
the State.

On the other hand, if you start at, you might
get the impression that most libertarians are anarchists.

Free market anarchism is the logical conclusion of the ideas
inherent in libertarianism.

Randall Randall <>
Crypto key:
...what a strange, strange freedom:
   only free to choose my chains... -- Johnny Clegg

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