POLITICS: Re: Supreme court Ok's school vouchers

From: Brian D Williams (talon57@well.com)
Date: Mon Jul 01 2002 - 08:18:29 MDT

>From: "Vanessa Novaeris" <novaeris@hotmail.com>

>>Brian wrote:
>>While I believe we should all contribute something to education,
>>I believe the bulk of the cost should be paid by the parents on
>>a per student basis.

>What exactly do you mean by this? Like a sliding scale based on
>income or a fixed rate per student?

I mean eliminating or at least drastically reducing education
funding by tax dollars, and individual parents paying the bulk of
the cost for their childrens education.

I also favor revamping the current tax code to a flat tax and
eliminating all redistribute-the-wealth schemes. (like the "earned
income tax credit") Lets say 10% for starters, so someone who
makes $100,000 a year pays $10,000 vs someone who makes $10,000 a
year and pays $1000.

Under the current highly inequitable system the top 5% of wage
earners pay 50% of all taxes.


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