RE: STATE-OF-THE-WORLD: It makes you want to cry

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Sat Jun 29 2002 - 20:09:21 MDT

Mike writes

> Lee Corbin wrote:

> > Yes, exactly. Governments don't create jobs, people create jobs.
> Yes, people create jobs, but people also create government, and people
> don't necessarily create their own jobs (I wasn't aware that that was
> what Help Wanted ads actually did, it seems more a demand/supply
> confusion).... What is your point?

I was merely reinforcing Anders' point that *government* doesn't
really create jobs (in a wealth-creating way). It's *the people*---
and by that I meant the free interaction of individuals participating
in a free-market that does. Not rocket science. (Actually, I was using
the same voice and tone used when folks say "It's not guns that kill
people..." :-)

> > All recent third world immigrants should be returned to their countries
> > of origin at once. Naturally, this is not a negative reflection on the
> > immigrants themselves---who can blame them for wanting to benefit their
> > lives?---but it needs to be pointed out to them the harm their desertion
> > does to their mother countries. They should be encouraged to see the
> > nobility of returning to help their native lands develop properly.
> Part of the reason for said immigration is that they were not properly
> appreciated at home, either for political or cultural reasons.

Oh, is that it? You mean they got mad and left in a huff?
If so, we must counsel them not to feel insulted, but to be more
understanding. Their apparent rejection by their mother countries
is only due to a misunderstanding on the part of their rulers---a
misunderstanding that can be corrected only if they remain (or
return) to help correct it.

> > > But immigration is politically out, while Göran Person instead
> > > suggests giving economic incentives to people to get more children
> > > and marry more!
> >
> > Ah, it is good that at least a few high-minded people [e.g. Göran Person
> > live in Europe too. Sometimes I think that all they ever have at heart
> > is what's good for their own nations.
> Frankly I don't care if they have kids, or adopt third world kids, so
> long as the next generation are raised in the culture. When the next
> generation has no familial, historical, or cultural connection with the
> previous one, the country ceases to be the same country. You might as
> well just stop calling Sweden 'Sweden'.

So who cares if there is a Sweden? The overwhelming majority of
Swedes don't care. Nor do the French, or the Americans. What's
important to them is that they are taken care of in their old age,
and that there are plenty of profits from cheap foreign labor that
can be exploited.

Such greed would be bad enough on its own, but it rises to the truly
despicable when it's built on the poverty of other nations, and backed
by immigration policies designed to keep other nations poor.

> > No, let us take the high road---for once---and round up all the
> > immigrants, even unto the second or third generation, and return
> > them to their own countries. Think of the benefit to the developing
> > countries as they integrate into their own stagnant economies
> > millions of U.S. and Europe free market-trained young people.
> > It will be our loss, of course, but their immeasurable gain.
> Well, if you insist, I get to be deported to Sweden, Italy, and Scotland
> (how WILL they divvy me up??? I wonder.) Think they'll be waiting on the
> dock with open arms?

They probably will *not* look forward to your arrival, but
that's why you must persevere to overcome their lack of
understanding. Actually, though, if you read my entire
post carefully, you might find that it's implied in there
that I was speaking of third-world countries. The countries
that you mention here---possibly excepting the very southern-
most part of Italy---are not the third world, er, excuse me,
the *developing* world. No, the mission of mercy that I have
in mind is the deportation of all people from the developing
nations back to their countries of origin for the noble effort
of bringing their homelands into the 20th century.


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