Re: POLITICS: Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional!

From: spike66 (
Date: Fri Jun 28 2002 - 22:36:00 MDT wrote:

> I think the "Oh God" bit is just a meme spread mainly through
> the media. I'd be interested to see when the earliest documented case
> of this outburst occurred.

The Oh God bit came about because it was easier to
repeat a number of times than the ancient Hebrew
"Oh Elohim", or "Oh Yahweh". Try repeating either
phrase with the rapidity required under orgasmic

> Why can't the U.S just use the British allegiance ? "Im here, Give me
> a house !" it appears to be a foolproof method of getting citizenship.
> Alex

Alex, forgive my ignorance for I have never travelled abroad,
but now I am really curious. How do socialist nations deal
with those citizens who are too damn lazy to lift a finger?
I know what happens here in the states, but in Europe,
do they really house and feed them all? For nothing?

So what happens if you get a large group of immigrants
who are genetically dissimilar enough that the indigenous
population has little sympathy, who then turn into worthless
lazy asses? And what if their larvae are even worse than
their parents? Has the system any means of dealing with
this? Would it not eventually collapse under its own weight?
Is this why Europe seems to be getting so worked up
over immigration?

These really are just questions, not political commentary. I
dont understand how any society can continue to feed and
house its willingly unproductive segment. spike


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