Re: paper

Date: Fri Jun 28 2002 - 10:55:42 MDT

Since what Reynold's suggests seems to corelate to that old paper by U of
Washington's, John Crammer; where the past and the future handshake in the
present. It all depends on what you are trying to build., isn't it. A
closed-timelike curve is a cylander to forever, in essence a spiral. Because
its a spiral it provides both cyclical-ness and some, variation. This, also,
reminds me of a similar essay by Ben Goertzel's online essay on physics and
time. Now that you see it as a building block, what do you wish to build?

Anders Noted:
<<Another interesting issue is whether consistency can be used as a
physical building block. Alaistair Reynolds mentions an ISO in
_Revelation Space_ held up against gravitation by a CTC: if it
implodes the CTC that caused it will not happen, so quantum
consistency forces it to remain in place. While the building method
he suggested sounds a bit unlikely, the core idea seems promising.
Every constraint can be used as a building block. >>

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