Re: No use crying over spilt ilk

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 00:24:13 MDT

John Grigg wrote:

>My excuse is that my girlfriend decided to break things off. The long distance relationship thing was not working for her. Obviously our "bonding" when she came up from California during Christmas break was just not enough. She came to this decision after spending a week with her mother visiting west coast amusement parks. I'm sure I was a regular topic of conversation between them! lol Oh well, I do wish her well.
>lonely in Alaska,
Ouch! ...John: the advice of experience:
1. Get drunk.Whilst doing this:
2. Convince yourself that anybody who drops you wasn't smart enough to
appreciate your fantastic mind and personality so it wouldn't have
worked out anyway.
3. Decide they don't know what they're missing.
4. Start phoning up your mates and telling them all this.
5. Cry yourself to sleep.
6. Wake up with a steaming hangover and wonder why you made such a prat
out of yourself.
7. Get on with life and be glad she didn't break off any physical bits
into the bargain.

I did all this some years back and after a couple of months I felt fine!
Seriously, it's a bummer, but keep your sense of humor and you'll come
through. : )

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