RE: Nothing (was: RE: Changing One's Mind)

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Mon Jun 17 2002 - 12:40:19 MDT

On Mon, 17 Jun 2002, Smigrodzki, Rafal wrote:

> ### If you use Shor's algorithm to factorize a number using a quantum
> computer, there is no observer (or else your superposition would collapse

There is no observer, there is no quantum computer (qubits and periphery
for entanglement and readout is very vanilla), and there is no universe.

Ergo there are no algorithms, and no numbers.

Herr Broderick hit the nail on the head. Mathematics only make sense if
you a) exist b) live in a unverse very like this one.

Vir Fnirrl'o Kro<176>agh are not nearly as lucky. In our place, we don't
have problems with "unreasonable applicability", we're just stuck with
"unreasonable". Vir are very envious.

> prematurely), and most of the calculation is not done on material elements
> of our universe. Yet, the resulting factors are provably correct, which

When I mean nothing, I really mean nothing. There is no universe, in fact
we don't even have this conversation because we completely lack the
crucial property of existence.

Nothingness is not a state of being, it is a non-state, period.

> means that there *is* mathematics outside of our universe, and, by
> extension, the "outside" of our universe is mathematical. No mysticism here,

Which universe are you talking about? Oh, I must be talking to myself.
Sorry. <POOF!>

> number 15 was already factorized by this method, proving the principle.

I Have no Bits And I Must Compute.

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