Re: Proles without a clue???

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Tue Jun 11 2002 - 19:05:01 MDT

 From: <>

> From: Olga Bourlin

> Perception - while it may not be everything - is important to consider
> I try not to use terms that may SEEM pejorative (i.e., could hurt some
> people's feelings) if I can think of something else (and I'm probably not
> 100% successful). I don't use terms like "trailer trash." Calling any
> of people trash - even in jest? - seems unnecessary and unkind. Even
> "redneck" seems a bit harsh.<
> I'm surprised by your feelings here because just recently you ranted about
art in such a manner than I found a bit caustic toward art and artists.

Don't see the connection. I said over and over again I personally LIKE
art - it's all over my house, my walls (on which I've been exercising my
artistic passion for years), my closet walls, and even on the insides of
some of my chest of drawers. I've known and still know some professional
artists - they're as good and as bad as anyone else, and certainly not any
more special than anyone else. I just don't hold art to be "sacred" (the
way I've seen some people fawn over capital-"A" Art). I mentioned Picasso -
because he was an abusive man, I can't really admire him. Art is a merely a
technique - some people have more of a bent for it than others. Art is also
a fun pastime - I likened it to play. In a contest between a most talented
artist-but-obnoxious-baddie v. an untalented-artist but-very-good person,
I'll salute the latter. People, to me, are more important than art - even
capital-"A"-type Art. You know the old question about: if you were on a
raft with the Mona Lisa and a human being - and they both started to fall
over the side - which would you save? I'd say, "'Bye-'bye, Mona...!"

I also mentioned I worked in an art gallery for 2-3 years. Not a pretty
business (I think I described it as: "Not a pretty picture"). Too many
people taking themselves too capital-"S" Seriously, you know.


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