Re: extropians-digest V7 #150

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 16:00:05 MDT

Yes, but... we can acknowledge it is wrong, make reparations
where justified (Native Americans for sure) and vow never to
engage in or support those practices again. Yes?

- samantha

Dickey, Michael F wrote:

> Is there *any* nation or country that has not invaded a neighboring region,
> exploited its resources, and abused its indigenous people? With very few
> exceptions, I think not. I do not think it fair to single out persons of
> Caucasian descent in such a statement. Neighboring American Indian tribes
> were violent and sometimes slaughtered whole camps of rival tribes, African
> tribes were similarly violent and often led the effort to capture
> neighboring tribes people and supply them for the slave trade, and slavery
> existed long before Europeans.
> The notion of the 'beautiful people' who lived simple lives in ecologically
> harmony with nature only to be ruined by evil white Europeans is a myth.
> All humans, regardless of race or national descent are just as capable as
> being tribalistic, malevolent, and violent.
> Michael
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 1:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: extropians-digest V7 #150
> Is there a nation or country that the white people have not come to, taken
> the best land and resources and abused the indigeneous peoples?
> With very few exceptions, I think not. Why must they infest other countries
> like locusts? Why do they not just go back to where they originated from and
> leave the rest of us alone?
> And to top it all off... for the most part, they have adopted a jewish God,
> and anglicized Him. Why not just stay with their own forms of worship. Must
> they take that too? What is wrong with these people?
> Anava
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