Re: extropians-digest V7 #150

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 15:28:51 MDT wrote:
> Is there a nation or country that the white people have not come to,
> taken the best land and resources and abused the indigeneous peoples?

Is there any indigenous people which did not have far more heinous
cultural practices of abuse and disrespect for individual rights than
those expressed by white people? I would contend that white explorers,
adventurers, and pioneers in general (but not always) responded in kind
to the heinous treatment that was standard operating practice among the
indigenous peoples they came in contact with (which includes other white
peoples, like my Scottish ancestors, who were wont to such practices as
post mortem jury trials and worse, enough to drive the insanely cruel
Romans to fits.)

Take native Americans: standard treatment of prisoners among northeast
US tribes was a slow roast feet first over a fire. Aztecs cut the hearts
out of living prisoners in massive festivals of blood. Asian Indians had
similar rites to Shiva as well as daily practice of live immolation of
wives on their spouses funerary pyres. Africans invented slavery and
sold their countrymen out to whites. The Chinese literally built the
Great Wall from the bodies of dead workers... it goes on and on.

> With very few exceptions, I think not. Why must they infest other
> countries like locusts? Why do they not just go back to where they
> originated from and leave the rest of us alone?
> And to top it all off... for the most part, they have adopted a jewish
> God, and anglicized Him. Why not just stay with their own forms of
> worship. Must they take that too? What is wrong with these people?

Actually, YHVH was a babylonian deity that the Jews adopted prior to
Abraham, so if you are wont to get testy, blame the arabs, or hittites,
or akkadians, or whoever it was back then. Then again, don't. The
standards you are using to condemn whites and their anglicized god are
standards that have been promulgated and evangelized around the world by
those same whites and their anglicized jewish/babylonian god. If you are
so proud of your own native culture, judge us by the standards of your
culture as it was before it came into contact with whites.

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