Re: group-based judgement

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Fri May 31 2002 - 03:06:38 MDT

spike66 wrote:


> aww harvey dont get discouraged. this latest argument will blow
> over. take a week off.
> i do find it odd, since i know both you and lee personally, and
> both of you are such nice guys. i dont understand why you and he
> seem to keep getting into it.
> myself i dont argue much onlist, since i recognize my politics
> are different than many, and its pointless as all hell. like you,
> i dont want to be associated with some of the views posted
> on extropians. such as samantha's, HOly schlaMOly. {8^D

What, exactly, is that supposed to mean? Are the capitilized
characters significant or what? Up to this point, on list and
off, I thought we had mutual respect even if not agreement on
several points. Now I am not so sure. So, since you
accidentally posted this, please show me you are not two-faced
by coming clean.

- samantha

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