Re: Hidden Agendas? (was: Invisible Friends)

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 15:05:29 MDT

Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 29, 2002, at 09:45 pm, Phil Osborn wrote:
> > Anyway, all this talk of censorship and hidden agendas
> > rekindled some salient memories. I think that most
> > people, including most on this list, probably live
> > rather sheltered lives in certain respects. Here is a
> > little tale of both hidden agendas and censorship that
> > may open some eyes:
> What was the point of this long story? We obviously have radically
> different views, so I probably wouldn't come to the same conclusions
> about the story that you would. Could you specifically state what point
> you think was made, and how it relates to the Extropians List at this
> time?

I think the point is that some people and groups will ALWAYS "see
nipples". They ignore Freud's warning that sometimes a cigar is just a
cigar (after all, he was a man anyways). As with the Extropians@MIT
slander, the fact that extropians are a target of smears and
disinformation has nothing really to do with our agenda, but with the
agendas of others.

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