From: natashavita@earthlink.net
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 11:30:04 MDT

From: dwayne

>Of course, should the extropian movement get swamped by, say, neonazis,
how could you tell that this was an attempted hijacking versus a bunch
of neonazis joining by coincidence? Those behind it would see a
pattern, but to everyone not in the know it's just some new people with
some rather aggro ideas. Luckily enough, I think the numbers are with
the nice people long-term I don't see it as a problem.<

(Since you are addressing ExI, I changed the subject line.)

Human psychology's contradictory and impressionable behavior tempts poor judgment and induces emotionality. Someone who tends to be rational about values can easily be irrational about diet and health. We see it frequently in folks like Leo Cass or Jeremy Rifkin. They seem to be logical about how they do business, how they communicate, but their premises are based in misinformation and/or inordinately directed conclusions.

While I agree with you that the good gals and guys can steer the stampede of transhumanity, not everyone is entirely sane or sensible and narcissism does run ramped in people who have an over sense of self worth and importance. This trait can cause some serious damage if emotional maturity is not developed.

If extropian movement became infected, transhumanity would be infected. Actively doing damage control on intentional polluting of extropic memes is long range planning.


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