Re: group-based judgement

From: spike66 (
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 09:13:19 MDT

Harvey Newstrom wrote:

>> You collect two kinds of mushrooms, the
>> fleebs and the kloongs. 10% of the fleebs will give you
>> diarrhea, whereas 20% of the kloongs will. You know that
>> most will not harm you at all, but you know that devouring
>> a kloong is twice as dangerous as eating a fleeb.
> In your above example, picking the "good" mushrooms will statistically
> make you sick every tenth mushroom. If you eat 10 mushrooms in a
> meal, you still get sick 100% of the time.

Well, 63%. But lets not get all mathematical. {8^D

> No way. Better than what?
> If we get all that data collecting and scanning technology, i would
> use it detect a gun rather than check the guy's bank account. I would
> record his face and lookup his ID so that he knows he can't get away
> with any crime. I will have the monitors automatically lock the doors
> or call the police or take other defensive action if a robbery starts
> to occur.

A metal detector would be better than nothing I suppose, but
Harvey, guys the size of you and me know that a robber can
do serious harm after passing thru a metal detector clean. Calling
on the police will likely be little help. They would get there
in time to help the ambulance crew load my cooling corpse
into a body bag.

I prefer to call on our old pals Smith and Wesson.

When Mister 12 guage speaks, people LISTEN.

> Not using race to make inaccurate judgments is the only way to end
> racism.

Sure. I am proposing an option to a bad system. spike

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