Re: META: List Overposting

Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 15:59:47 MDT

From: Dossy

On 2002.05.28, Lee Daniel Crocker <> wrote:
> But that's not the reason for it; hard disks are cheap. The posting
> limit is a simple quality measure. On all mailing lists of this type,
> it is not uncommon for the quality of posts to be in direct inverse
> proportion to their quantity. That is, those who post many messages
> per day often post lots of fluff. The limit is simply to make those
> persons think harder about which topics and comments are really
> important, and which are better left alone.

>I've been on another mailing list since late 2000 that averages
between 50-100 messages a day, some chatter and some serious
conversation and I've read probably 95% of the messages that
come across that list. There is zero moderation that goes on
there and the list does great.<

It seems that most extropians prefer quality to quantity. There are a number of reasons why this is a far better option for extropians. First, most of us are working professionals and hold down at least one job. Second many of us have families and other commitments. Third, many of us have worked as journalists and write for either a living or a hobby and the first thing we learn is to be cogent. Fourth, many of us have had flame wars from the early days of the net and we know the significance of netiquitte.

Because this list has been on the net for so very long, I have trust in the management of it. Experience comes from trial and error and I think ExI has developed awareness in this regard.

Personally, I gain more insight and substance from less trafficked lists. The Wired list and other heady lists are similar and I value being on them for this reason.

If you may know of another list that is full of spanking smart people discussing and debating the world’s problems and how to build a positive future, (with an ardent sense of humor to boot), then tell us about it. Otherwise, we are just playing a numbers game where quality may be sipping through the cracks.


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