Re: life and time is too precious

Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 14:19:58 MDT

In a message dated 5/24/02 15:22:41, writes:

>Which is why the Libertarian Party garners a whopping 2 million votes,
>maximum, in national elections, and why our country is being repressed
>by the DMCA, the CDA, the Treasury Department's "Know Your Customer"
>regulations, Carnivore, the so-called Firearms Owners Protection Act,
>and many others. Just what libertarian brain trust was it that got these
>laws passed?

So not everything the government's done in the past 10, 20, or whatever
years is good. Big surprise. My air is cleaner, life expectancy longer,
job more interesting, computer faster, I have the WWW, there's more
tolerance of alternative lifestyles, significant moves to drug legalization,
I no longer fear being blown to kingdom come, even socialists accept the
market, etc. There's no obvious metric of whether 1992 or 2002 is better,
but the metric of "what Curt wants to live in" enthusiastically supports

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