Re: moon to be made into heritage site

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Sun May 26 2002 - 14:04:11 MDT

On Sun, 26 May 2002 wrote:

> My sense of this is that:
> 2) Therefore, we maybe generations or centuries from creating and affording
> fusion reactors that work by deuterium-HEł

If Todd Rider's PhD thesis is correct, we will never get significant
amounts of extra energy out using *any* fusion reaction in a tokamak

> 3) Therefore the "motion" to ban minning on the moon is merely a chimera

The winds could shift significantly if China demonstrates a legitimate
space/moon effort. The three countries that have the most to gain
with moon colonization are Japan, China and India. Its certainly not
the U.S. or Russia.

> =============================================================
> Steve Davies offered this article:
> But Mr Steiner says that a year of helium-3 mining would create a 60-mile
> eyesore that would be visible from Earth.>>

Hey, hey, hey -- mine the back side! :-)


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