Re: life and time is too precious

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Thu May 23 2002 - 17:04:01 MDT

Charlie Stross wrote:
> On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 02:10:31AM -0400, Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> >
> > All these arguments about how to value people, who is more valuable,
> > when is killing OK, when is theft OK, when do the ends justify the
> > means, etc. are bogus. They are written by people with too much time on
> > their hands, who are trying to lead us down the slippery slope toward
> > some violent revolution.
> Excuse me, but I'm having a really bizarre vision right now, of what
> the Extropian Revolutionary Front will look like in few years' time.
> (That's what you get when extropians stop being content to agitate from
> the sidelines and start thinking about mandating change, get rebuffed
> by the mainstream, and adopt Lenin's vanguard party doctrine by way of
> revenge.)
> It's not pretty. In fact, it's pretty hellish.

Well, who needs the luddites to demonize us when we are perfectly
willing to do it ourselves...

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