Re: Featherless Chickens

From: Hal Finney (
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 12:20:23 MDT

Edmund writes:
> I've just seen on the news that an Isreali Scientist has genetically
> engineered a chicken without any feathers; its slated to cause a storm in
> the poultry business.
> There is a video link from here to the story in the middle right.

Actually, according to the audio track, "they're specially bred rather
than genetically engineered," the same process used in traditional dog
breeding as well as with farm animals. They are supposedly designed for
tropical regions where feathers may keep them too warm. Without having
to spend the energy growing feathers, they also produce more meat.

In a way this is a counter to the anti GM people as it shows that
traditional selective breeding can produce results just as outrageous
as the horrors supposed to come from genetic engineering.


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