Re: Featherless Chickens

From: Alejandro Dubrovsky (
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 12:06:17 MDT

On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 03:01, Edmund Grech wrote:
> I've just seen on the news that an Isreali Scientist has genetically
> engineered a chicken without any feathers; its slated to cause a storm in
> the poultry business. As you an expect the Anti-GM folk are hopping mad. The
> chickens look just like an oven ready bird but walking around still with its
> head attached; it actually quite freaky. It certainly illustrates the speed
> with which we are gaining understanding of genetics; I only hope nothing
> turns out to be wrong with the birds or this could prove another costly blow
> in the public forum for GM products.
> There is a video link from here to the story in the middle right.

more permanent url:

it's not genetically engineered in the currently common meaning of the
term. it was bred.

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