nearly perfect oddness

From: spike66 (
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 21:41:05 MDT

There are 39 known perfect numbers (numbers that equal
the sum of their factors such as 6 and 28.) All of the perfect
numbers are even, but there is no known reason or proof
that odd perfect numbers cannot exist.

I have been searching for the odd number that is closest to
perfect. This morning I found one that is nearly perfect to
within one part per trillion. Perhaps this is the world record
for the most nearly perfect odd number known.

Before I announce the result to my mathematics chat groups,
please would some kind-hearted extropian code jockey
with one of those arbitrary-precision software packages
derive an algorithm independently and check my answer?
 I found this one using a microsloth excel macro.
My odd nearly perfect number is 838553644228755.
I get a sum of factors of 838553644228461. By the
terminology I proposed a week ago, this would be
known as a giga-damn-good number. I have another
odd GDG number which is abundant. spike

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