Re: Stealthing your M-Brain

From: Hal Finney (
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 21:22:29 MDT

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber writes:
> Damien Broderick <> wrote:
> > I was charmed by this black hole idea, which I haven't seen before in quite
> > that form.
> I don't think it will work.
> ...
> I don't think there's anything that keeps a black hole from serving
> as an entropy sink, per se. However, you can't "beam" waste heat,
> so actually dumping it into the sink is a problem.

If you think of a black hole as being really, really cold, then maybe
you could use it as part of a refrigeration system. Run a fluid through
your shell and then into a radiator which is close to the black hole,
so that the fluid circulates near enough to the hole that it radiates
its excess heat and approaches the hole's temperature.


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