Re: Toddler learning

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Thu May 16 2002 - 10:45:54 MDT

...I think Olga would find that if you put her in a room with a bunch of
people speaking russian, she would very quickly retrieve that language
ability and discover that it hadn't 'atrophied' so much as 'idled'.
Theoretically then, if you lock me in a room with a bunch of science
students, I will remember how to argue, swear, and drink too much?

Dossy wrote:

>On 2002.05.15, Olga Bourlin <> wrote:
>>mj From: "Dossy" <>
>>To: <>
>>Cc: "J. W. Harris" <>
>>>>What age should I start teaching my son a second language?
>>>Birth. Totally serious. The sooner you start, the sooner they'll
>>>learn it. There is no such thing as too early.
>>Buy why?
>Because it's easier to learn languages at a young age than it is
>as an adult.
>>Even my native Russian can be declared clinically dead.
>At least you had the choice.
>-- Dossy

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