Re: Definitions, semantics...(WAS:basic logic)

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Thu May 16 2002 - 10:28:54 MDT

> I always assumed that transformation to a different state would be
> transhuman. Transmorgrifying into Eyore would be transhumanism for me
> after I transcended my human condition. Eliezer seems to assume that
> there must be some improvement above the human condition. Therefore
> Transmorgrifying into a super-friendly super-smart
> artificially-intelligent Tigger would be transhumanism for him.

...Well I took the same point of view as you (Harvey) , but
transformation to a different state would occur if somebody put my brain
in a dogsbody. Is that transhuman? If it were in a dish, and could be
kept alive indefinitely or for a lot longer than in this body, I'd call
me transhuman. I assumed 'transhuman' meant 'to have passed beyond the
limitations of the human condition'. If we pass beyond those
limitations, I think it matters little how we passed. ...But have I got
an erroneous definition here??

> (Wait a minute. I'm Eyore again! How come I'm never Tigger?)

...because transtigger is on the ExtroBrit list, and the wonderful thing
about tiggers is he's the only one?

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