Re: Reproductive Cloning

From: YP Fun (
Date: Sun May 12 2002 - 14:16:03 MDT

--- Samantha Atkins <> wrote:
> Understood. However, my best judgement (on at least
> some types
> of problems) comes when my head and my heart work in
> unison
> instead of one being more or less disowned. If we
> don't feel
> some of the problems of life with our emotions as
> well as our
> intellect I doubt very much we will find
> satisfactory answers

I disagree. A few years ago, a serious of events
lead me to a strange epiphany. I came to the
realization that everything that was horrible
in my mind was attributed to me.

I am not suggesting that you can control you
physical world, or that bad things never happen.
But your thoughts are your own. How you perceive
a situation is up to you. Some bad things do happen
and I am not saying you should not feel bad about
them, but most of the time the world is a great deal
more clear if you take a step back and look at it
more objectively, by trying to understand the
motivation or reasons behind the catastrophic events.

Let me begin by making one statement:

No one ever makes you feel stress, fear, anger,
jealousy, envy or hate. You are the one that makes
you feel these emotions.

Let me apply this to a scenario:
The world may contain many malicious people


The world may contain many people who are driven
to act malicously out of emotional, (bio)chemical
or environmental trama.

> that engage the whole problem and actually
> satisfactorily solve
> it. This is especially a real danger for problems
> that have
> more psychological, sociologicaly and ethical
> aspects.

There are some physical feelings that you cannot
control such as pain, fatigue, hunger and thirst...
In arguements, these feelings do require intellectual

This "change" in life philosophy has lead me to
seek knowledge and facts above all else, which is
how I ended up here. I have also started reading
books by Einstein, Decartes, Nietzsche, Marx... etc.
Strange, how even though time (probably even levels of
intellect) separates us (these authors and myself),
much of their philosophical ideas coincide with mine.
Or perhaps I am not discovering anything new, but
rather through logical deductions, I am following
in their footsteps.


Please Copy... Ideas deserve to be free.
We must respect truth and logic, no matter what they unveil.

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