Re: Reproductive Cloning

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun May 12 2002 - 05:12:21 MDT

YP Fun wrote:

> I guess when I have an arguement I always try to
> extract my personal feelings and experiences out of
> it, otherwise I find that I might take the things
> that people say personally.
> I also find that when I give a generic instead of
> a personal example, I have a better grasp of
> the problem. I find my emotions tend to cloud
> issues.
> This is just my personal opinion, I am not trying to

> (should not have tried to) speak for anyone else.

Understood. However, my best judgement (on at least some types
of problems) comes when my head and my heart work in unison
instead of one being more or less disowned. If we don't feel
some of the problems of life with our emotions as well as our
intellect I doubt very much we will find satisfactory answers
that engage the whole problem and actually satisfactorily solve
it. This is especially a real danger for problems that have
more psychological, sociologicaly and ethical aspects.

- samantha

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