Re: Frontier House - A Luddite Show?

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Fri May 10 2002 - 11:22:06 MDT

On Friday, May 10, 2002, at 12:47 pm, spike66 wrote:

> Today... (assuming Abe Simpson voice) young people dont
> realize how easy they have it. All the information they want is fed
> directly to their computer screens! You and I had to leaf thru tons of
> dead trees. And we LIKED it!
> Today its easier than ever to be smart as all hell. Sure there is more
> information, but there are way better tools with which to shovel
> it all into our minds. spike

I think we are in violent agreement. We both think things are better
now, and that we have more power, access and control.

I think you are stressing that it takes less effort to accomplish the
same things, and I agree with this. But I also think that Extropians
will always live on the cutting edge trying to push the envelope. Even
though we can do Internet research 100 times faster than library
research, we still put in long hours because of our drive to achieve.
Being over-achievers, we will never quit early to bask in our larger
accomplishments. We will always keep working harder and playing harder,
and demanding more and more out of the universe. When we get to the
point that all universal knowledge can be attained in one day, we will
then start looking for other dimensions, theoretical universes, and
other possibilities for tomorrow.

I guess a better way to state my position is that we are not resting
more or becoming more bored with our new freedoms. We are working
harder and playing harder, and still looking for the next level. In
that sense, while everything is getting easier and simpler, Extropians
are still doing more than ever before.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>
Principal Security Consultant <>

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