Re: Frontier House - A Luddite Show?

From: spike66 (
Date: Fri May 10 2002 - 10:47:32 MDT

>>>> You can have both. Life is simpler now than ever before,
>>>> and getting simpler all the time.
Harvey Newstrom wrote:

> I was harping on the life of people on this list. Our ever-expanding
> grasp of science and control of the universe is becoming more and more
> complicated, and we are working harder than ever to accomplish even
> more. For us, life is not simpler, it is more complex. We work
> harder now than our ancestors did, because there is so much more we
> can accomplish than they ever dreamed about. This is the tangent I
> was taking.

OK. But I now argue that it is ever simpler to be the Renaissance man,
even tho I still dont know if I spelled Renaissance correctly. This is all
because of the internet. Harvey you are old enough to remember
laboriously combing thru the library for information which may or may not
be there. Today... (assuming Abe Simpson voice) young people dont
realize how easy they have it. All the information they want is fed
directly to their computer screens! You and I had to leaf thru tons of
dead trees. And we LIKED it!

Today its easier than ever to be smart as all hell. Sure there is more
information, but there are way better tools with which to shovel
it all into our minds. spike

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