SPACE: Mars in 3 weeks

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Thu May 09 2002 - 18:27:42 MDT

I'm not sure I understand this paper fully, but it looks
like progress in laser power densities are leading us
into the realm where one can accelerate protons to
produce an Isp of 10^7 seconds. (I know that means
nothing to most of the people on the list but to
the rocketry intelligentsia its significant).

At any rate, slide 16, which is rather difficult to
interpret, seems to suggest that one can manage a
trip to Mars within 3 weeks with a propulsion
system such as they propose.

If anyone has any information filling in the technical
details (presumably the voice over during the slide
presentation) I would appreciate an explanation of the
gaps that seem to be present in the materials available.



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