Re: Frontier House - A Luddite Show?

From: John Grigg (
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 22:34:22 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote:
Those interested in more on this should look for reruns of this on their
local PBS, or read the article on the experiment in this months
Smithsonian magazine. While I too hold a great degree of desire for a
simpler, frontier-like lifestyle, I am bound to the future by the
promise of technology.

I saw the first episode of the original series, which showed a modern english family trying to live in a circa 1900 house. I felt so sorry for the frustrated and overworked wife who at several different points broke down into tears! She felt real resentment toward her husband who she felt had a much easier time of things. In the end the family banded together and made a go of it.

I agree with Mike that while a simpler lifestyle seems appealing, there is no way I would want to abandon what future tech will offer! I can actually envision people being able to "return to the land" in ways past humanity could not, due to medical nano which gives them incredible physical robustness. Extremes of temperature, disease, hostile animals, and lack of edible food sources will not be the great challenges they have been in the past.

Men and women will finally be able to live in the wild places of the world in a state of harmony never before seen. It should be a very liberating and exhilarating experience! : )

best wishes,



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