Re: CONF:Jupiter after Galileo and Cassini, Future Exploration ofSolar Sys

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 20:56:50 MDT

On Wednesday, May 08, 2002 7:35 PM Robert J. Bradbury wrote:
> How do you think the *scientists* would react to a proposal to begin
> designing the nanobots for planetary dismantlement so we can turn
> all that material into computronium as rapidly as possible?
> I suppose its kind of hard to be a planetary scientist when
> they are all gone. Kind of puts the pressure on them to get
> those missions out there soon. I'd love to read the justifications
> though -- "we have to launch for Pluto now because its not going to
> exist in 2060".

Nonsense! We can record the structure and simulate them.
Planetologists could then know the planets in much better detail than
quick flybys or even current orbiters and landers. Plus, they can
change the simulations to test their pet theories. I think everyone can
win with this.



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