Re: Shades of Egan's Diaspora

Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 20:06:13 MDT

In a message dated 5/8/02 18:02:12, writes:

>The article also
>ignores that nature has the capability to evolve much more radiation
>tolerant genomes that we mere humans have. Selection pressure
>can compensate for the hazard function to a limited extent.

Well, it could if it came more often than every 100 million years.
The "oh, this explains mass extinctions" is very iffy, since the
Cretaceous is associated with a monster asteroid, the mid-Cambrian
with glaciers at the equator, the Permian with a comet *and* a
cooling earth, and I just saw a presentation a few months ago claiming
one of the other (Ordovician?) is artefactual. Not much to be explained.

Like you, I'm a little skeptical. Space is so huge - even exploding
stars don't do all that much. Hopefully some informed astronomers
will put some counterarguments on the table soon.

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