Re: More on human brain vs computer metaphor...

From: KPJ (
Date: Tue May 07 2002 - 21:40:20 MDT

It appears as if YP Fun <> wrote:
|There are those strangely talented people who can
|draw a square with their left hand and a circle
|with their right hand. I somehow doubt that they
|are multitasking but rather swapping processes in
|and out of memory very quickly... hmmm I wonder
|if the ability to swap trains of thought in and
|out of short term memory positively correlates with

Huh? Why do you feel it requires ``strangely talented people''?

I just tried it, found it easy to draw a square with the left and
a circle with the right hand, and did not notice it required any magic
multitasking at all, so I feel somewhat sceptic about the ``strangely
talented people'' requirement.

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