Fukuyama reviewed in NY Times

From: Hal Finney (hal@finney.org)
Date: Sun May 05 2002 - 00:50:10 MDT

The NY Times has a review of Fukuyama's book Our Posthuman Future
at http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/05/books/review/05MCGINNT.html (or at
if you don't want to register).

I was disappointed. The reviewer, Colin McGinn, basically says Fukuyama
was right but for the wrong reasons. While some of his criticisms of
Fukuyama are good, in the end he adopts the same position. The reviewer
agrees that we can't allow freedom of choice, that we need to restrict
access to biotechnology in order to allow "human flourishing".

In the end he recommends that we rely on our philosophers to guide us.
By a remarkable coincidence, the reviewer is a professor of philosophy.


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