Re: How will you know that you've woken up from cryogenic sleep?

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 12:06:33 MDT

On Thursday, May 2, 2002, at 10:03 am, Mike Lorrey wrote:
> Sure, but WHOS entertainment? Are you really just a brain in a vat in a
> higher level metaverse? If so, then it is YOU who are being entertained
> by your vision problems. You could have chosen them as an interesting
> handicap to overcome, or accepted a contract that assigned you a random
> probability of random impairments while in this simulation.

I haven't been much involved in this thread, but it seems to be
suffering from topic creep. Every time someone answers a question,
someone else twists the premise so the answer doesn't work. Then other
people propose new answers, and new premises are invented.

What was the original question, and what is the purpose of this thread?
Are you debating whether we can detect reality versus a simulation? Are
we debating whether VR is as "valid" as real life? Are we debating
whether it matters if we are really self-directed or merely playthings
for higher beings? The questions keep jumping around faster than the
responses. It is certainly entertaining, but I think it is a runaway
thread with nobody steering it.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>
Principal Security Consultant <>

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