Re: CTHD: Truth in Labelling Campaign

From: Loree Thomas (
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 21:12:27 MDT

--- Lee Daniel Crocker <> wrote:
> > (Samantha Atkins <>):
> > you run considerable danger of
> > having your fledgling organization seen as a bunch
> > of cranks.
> In a way, though, that's kind of the goal. I think
> we need an "Earth First" / "ACT UP" / "PETA" kind of
> extremist presence to complement the more moderate,
> reasonable ones like ExI and WTO. Having such a
> radical wing actually increases the credibility of
> the moderates with the unconverted, and helps
> stimulate discussion among the insiders

The problem with that is recruiting people who are
willing to be radicals... anyone sharing our mind set
is unlikely to find getting arrested or tear gassed a
useful way of spending their time and energy.

The luddites have an advantage here... they can lie or
distort and sucker in fools who will willingly risk
their persons for nebulous goals and ideals based on
emotion and faith...

I don't see how we can do the same. Our goals and
ideals don't seem to attract many of the "true
believer" types.

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