RE: Reproductive Cloning (Re: Latest twist in Dr. Antinori's stor y)

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 18:51:38 MDT

> Emlyn said:
> > As much as I hate to do it, I must agree with the anti
> reproductive-cloning
> > camp. Cloning is still broken... don't try this at home kiddies!

Edmund Grech wrote:
> Agreed, but I am interested in peoples' opinions on cloning. I for one
> wholehartedly support cloning of additional organs grown for
> the purpose of
> transplantation - it would end anti-regection drug
> dependancy, and save
> hundreds of peoples lives, as well as remove the wait for donors.
> However, cloning for the purpose of reproduction? Fanciful
> scenarios such as
> 'the lives and loves of Tieralla Rosa' by PF Hamilton aside,
> I fail to find
> any social argument for allowing such proceedures for the
> average person.

The only problem I have with reproductive cloning is that it is likely,
currently, to produce malformed offspring.

I fully expect that at some point in the (near) future, these issues will be
resolved, thus removing any argument I'd have against it.

Really, what else is an issue with respect to reproductive cloning? Why
would it be intrinsically any more abhorent than "natural" methods, or IVF?
It would seem to be a perfectly legitimate way to create a new human to me.


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