Re: CTHD: Truth in Labelling Campaign

From: Hal Finney (
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 16:02:22 MDT

Mike Lorrey writes:
> The 'organics' industry is the core of unscientific luddism. The claim
> that 'organic' food is any healthier than other food of the same species
> and breed is entirely unsupported by scientific evidence. The industry
> is at the core of using anti-technology scare tactics to boost the
> perceived value of its products to the consumer, and organic farmers are
> the grassroots of support for luddite terrorists, providing an
> underground railroad for transportation, shelter and off-books
> employment of individuals engaged in luddite terrorism.

Generally I think you are right that there is little evidence that organic
food is any healthier. I would note that many of us take supplements
and use other life-extending measures without much hard evidence that
they will have these benefits in humans, either. And some people may
consume organic foods for other reasons, such as the belief that food
animals are treated more humanely.

The production and consumption of organic food is purely voluntary.
Nobody is passing laws to make you each organic food. You are the one
who is initiating force here. Your actions involve defacement of private
property, which I think is wrong. You have no right to take someone
else's property and damage it in order to make a political statement.
There are many other forums in which you can speak freely and make
your points.

IMO it is outrageous to characterize these people as terrorist supporters
in order to justify your illegal actions. How much evidence do you have
for this? How many farmers participate in these activities?

Even if it were accurate for some of them, can you be confident that the
particular farmer you are harming with your stickers falls into this
category? This guy may be just trying to eke out a difficult living
and probably has nothing to do with eco-terrorists. But because you
have put him into a category which you count as an enemy, in your mind
that gives you the right to harm him.

This is what happens when your approach to controversial issues starts by
making an enemies list. You put the greens down, then organic farmers,
then consumers, and the list grows and grows. Now you can do whatever you
want to these people because they are enemies. Their rights mean nothing.

One thing is for certain, take this approach and you won't lack for
enemies. Perhaps that is your true goal.


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